Item 14 of 16

Brass rod, round profile- 50cm 3-8 mm diameter

€ 2,50 (including VAT)
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Round staff (solid) made of brass.

for attaching a handle/shell part to the blade.


  • Total length, 50 cm
  • Diameter: various (3-8mm)
  • Brass, or brass, is an alloy of copper (55-70%) and zinc (45-30%).

The name brass is derived from the color. It is noticeably more yellow than pure copper or bronze (an alloy of copper and tin). When the material is exposed to the outside for a long time, it turns dark brown.

Brass is a valuable material because of its hardness and good self-lubricating properties.

How do you fix the handle with a brass pin?

When your handles are almost ready, drill your pin holes. Cut your pins 1 to 1.5 mm longer (on each side) than necessary. Make sure the ends are flat. Then glue the handle shells and the brass pins with epoxy resin/glue to the steel of the handle and let it dry well. Using a very small hammer (100 grams maximum) lightly strike the heads with the other side firmly supported on an anvil or other steel surface until slightly tapered. (if they start to tear or the shell pieces tear then you hit too hard) they don't need to be completely flattened, they should get a bit of a "mushroom shape". Flip the blade over and repeat the same step on the other side of the pin. After you have them tight and tight, file them flush with the handle, being careful not to file the tapered head all the way back.

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