Tetsuhiro (Kiryu Kogyo)
During the late Edo period, the Yoshiyo Knife Company was established, where Tetsuo Kiryu apprenticed as a disciple. In 1945, Tetsuo Kiryu founded his own company, Kiryu Seisakusho, under the brand name Tetsuhiro (Tetsuhiro Knives). Initially, the company specialized in crafting deba and sashimi knives, later expanding its production to include hatchets and other tools. Locally, Kiryu Seisakusho became renowned as a luxury brand and developed the capacity for mass production through the mentorship of numerous apprentices.
After the war, when stainless steel knives from Europe entered the market, Tetsuo, passionate about innovation and research, embraced the challenge. Through extensive trial and error, he successfully established the production of stainless steel knives. To adapt to this shift, he closed the blacksmithing operations and replaced much of the traditional equipment, including spring hammers, with mass-production machinery such as presses.
Kiryu Seisakusho achieved a milestone by becoming the first company in the Niigata region of Japan to mass-produce stainless steel knives, marking a significant turning point in the local knife-making industry.
Tetsuhiro petty (office knife), 120 mmTetsuhiro Petty
Japanese style universal office knife is made of V1 gold steel (rust resistant) as core steel with beautiful damascus outer pattern. The name Tetsuhiro is on the blade. The Tetsuhiro Knife Company is part of the…€ 79,00 € 59,00-17%
Tetsuhiro nakiri (vegetable knife), 160 mmTetsuhiro nakiri
This beautiful Japanese style vegetable knife is made of V1 gold steel (rust-resistant) as core steel with a beautiful damascus outer pattern. The name Tetsuhiro is on the blade.
The Tetsuhiro Knife Company is…€ 119,00 € 99,00-16%
Tetsuhiro gyuto (chef's knife), 210 mmTetsuhiro Gyuto
This beautiful Japanese style universal chef's knife is made of V1 gold steel (rust-resistant) as core steel with a beautiful damascus outer pattern. The name Tetsuhiro is on the blade.
The Tetsuhiro Knife…€ 129,00 € 109,00-17%
Tetsuhiro santoku (universal knife), 160 mmTetsuhiro Santoku
This beautiful Japanese style universal knife is made of V1 gold steel (rust resistant) as core steel with beautiful damascus outer pattern. The name Tetsuhiro is on the blade.
The Tetsuhiro Knife Company is…€ 119,00 € 99,00